Software as a Service


Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a software licensing model in which users pay a monthly fee for access to software that is hosted on external servers rather than on internal servers. Software-as-a- Users log into the system using a username and password and access the service through a web browser. Instead than having to install the software…

How the IoT is Promoting Growth in the Micro Data Center


As consumers and businesses embrace the benefits of the Internet of Things (IoT), the globe enters yet another era of technological growth. IoT gadgets are all over the place. From smart locks and alarms to cameras that can access remotely the global demand for the newest ‘thing’ has never been higher. With this proclivity for…

5 Crucial Skills that are needed for Successful AI Deployment


Organizations have been investing heavily in developing and deploying artificial intelligence (AI) in a number of applications in recent years. Building efficient AI deployment teams has proven difficult for a number of reasons, including a demand for college-educated workers that far outnumbers supply. Furthermore, organizations are having difficulty incorporating much-needed diversity into their deployment teams.