Python vs Javascript


Python and JavaScript are currently two of the most famous programming languages.
Despite the fact that they are both object-oriented programming languages, their scopes are vastly different.
Python and JS have a lot in common, but there are some key distinctions.Both Python and JavaScript developers can find plenty of career prospects.
As a result, using one of the two programming languages is an excellent idea.

In fact, one of the primary design goals of the Python programming language is that it is simple to comprehend and use.

Let’s first obtain a quick overview of the two competitors.

Python – One of the Fastest Growing Programming Languages

Python is a high-level programming language with object-oriented design and dynamic semantics.
It is intended to be both simple to read and simple to implement.

Python used to create web applications as a scripting language similar to Perl and Ruby.
Python’s attractiveness is that it allows programmers to employ a variety of programming methods to create complicated and simple programs.

Furthermore, Python is a ‘batteries in programming language,’ which essentially means that it comes with a large number of modules.
Python supports the following programming paradigms:

JavaScript – The Language of the Web

JavaScript, also JS, is a popular programming language for building dynamic web pages.
The ECMAScript language specification includes it as a standard.
JS also supports two other programming paradigms, functional and imperative, in addition to OOP.

In a web browser, JS often provides dynamic functionality that can’t be with CSS or HTML.
JavaScript also allows you to use date, text, and regular expressions to create basic web apps.

Although JavaScript is for front-end programming, it is now also for back-end development.
As a result, JavaScript allows for full-stack development.
In reality, using Node.js, JS can also be used to create independent desktop apps.

Python vs. JavaScript: A Head-to-Head Comparison

Arrays, Lists, and Tuples

Arrays are built-in data types in JavaScript.
There is a workaround for implementing arrays in Python. Despite the fact that there is no built-in support for arrays in Python.
This is accomplished using Python’s lists, which are the closest thing to arrays.

Python lists are similar to tuples, another data type accessible in the language.
The most significant distinction between a list and a tuple is that the former is modifiable, whilst the latter is not.

Attributes and Properties

Arrays are built-in data types in JavaScript.
There is a workaround for implementing arrays in Python. Despite the fact that there is no built-in support for arrays in Python.
This is accomplished using Python’s lists, which are the closest thing to arrays.

Python lists are similar to tuples, another data type accessible in the language.
The most significant distinction between a list and a tuple is that the former is modifiable.

Code Blocks

Curly brackets to define code blocks in JavaScript.
Indentation, on the other hand, is used in Python to define code chunks. While the statement terminator in JavaScript is a ‘;’, the statement terminator in Python is a newline.

Encoding Format

UTF-16 should be used to encode JavaScript.
Furthermore, the programming language has no built-in functionality for manipulating raw bytes. Python source code is ASCII by default unless an encoding option is provided.

Function Arguments

When a function has invalid parameters, Python throws an exception. It also accepts a few other parameter passing syntaxes.

Any missing parameters in JS have ‘undefined’ value by default. Additionally, if there are any additional arguments, JavaScript treats them as special arguments.

Implicit Conversion

Python is a strongly-typed programming language. This means it does not perform any implicit data type conversions. JavaScript, on the other hand, is weakly typed and hence provides implicit data type conversion.


Python utilizes a class-based inheritance approach, whereas JavaScript uses a prototype-based inheritance model.

Another difference between Python and JavaScript is that Python lacks the ability to inherit from instances, but JS does.

Mobile Development

JavaScript is a good alternative for mobile development in addition to front-end and back-end programming.
Python, on the other hand, is not well for the development of mobile applications.

Modules and Libraries

Python is referred to as a “batteries-included programming language” because it comes with a number of modules.
It also includes a number of libraries for data analytics, machine learning, and scientific computing.

JavaScript, on the other hand, has a smaller number of modules, such as date, JSON, and math.
Additional JS capability is provided by the host environment, which is typically a web browser, but can also be anything else, such as an operating system.


In Python, there are two forms of data: mutable and immutable. The set, for example, is a mutable data type, whereas the list is immutable.

The values of mutable objects can be altered after they have been allocated values. Immutable objects, on the other hand, cannot modify their values. In contrast to Python, JavaScript does not have a concept of mutability.

Numeric Types

Only floating-point variables are available in JavaScript.
The Python programming language, on the other hand, supports a wide range of numeric data types, including int, fixed-point decimal, and float. 

Object Access

For each method, Python has a self-argument as the first argument. JavaScript, on the contrary, has the ‘this’ method for accessing an object.

Procedural Programming

Python and JavaScript both take a multi-paradigm approach, which means they allow multiple programming paradigms.

These both have functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming techniques.
Python, on the other hand, contains numerous features of a procedural programming language that JavaScript lacks.

REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop)

With the installation of Python on your PC, you obtain REPL.
With JavaScript, however, there is no built-in REPL. This is due to the fact that JS is typically used within a browser.
Nonetheless, by installing Node.js, we can have a REPL for JavaScript.


JavaScript is an excellent choice for creating a website or native app.
Python, on the other hand, is an excellent choice for data analytics, machine learning, and other math-intensive jobs.

To read more about programming languages, click here.


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