How the IoT is Promoting Growth in the Micro Data Center


As consumers and businesses embrace the benefits of the Internet of Things (IoT), the globe enters yet another era of technological growth. IoT gadgets are all over the place. From smart locks and alarms to cameras that can access remotely the global demand for the newest ‘thing’ has never been higher. With this proclivity for…

5 Crucial Skills that are needed for Successful AI Deployment


Organizations have been investing heavily in developing and deploying artificial intelligence (AI) in a number of applications in recent years. Building efficient AI deployment teams has proven difficult for a number of reasons, including a demand for college-educated workers that far outnumbers supply. Furthermore, organizations are having difficulty incorporating much-needed diversity into their deployment teams. 

5 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022


Cybersecurity is a fast-paced field. Several high-profile ransomware attacks affecting global supply chains occurred in 2021, including assaults on Colonial Pipeline and JBS. The year 2021 ended on a high note, with the discovery of numerous serious Log4j flaws. The consequences of those flaws will most likely last until 2022. Matthew Warner, Blumira’s CTO and…

Difference between Synchronized Block and Method in Java


Synchronized block and synchronized methods are two techniques to create mutual exclusion on crucial parts of code in Java using synchronized keywords. Since Java is mainly useful to write multi-threading programs, which present various kinds of thread-related issues like thread-safety, deadlock, and race conditions. It plagues into code mainly because of poor understanding of the…